About Soul Food Factory

Breakfast food varies widely from place to place, and often includes cereals, pulses, or legumes in most of the preparations. The most popular South Indian breakfast foods include Idli, Dosa and various other preparations. We, L N Ventures as manufacturer of fresh Idli Dosa and Medu Vada Batter under the brand SOUL FOOD FACTORY aim at providing fresh, quality batter at affordable prices. The batter is prepared using hygienic methods, high quality raw material, RO water, and is packed in high quality food grade packing material. We do not make use of preservatives or soda in the batter. We aim at making this product available to all type of consumers. The opportunity for such products in the market is immense as the daily life of the working population is getting hectic where people tend to skip meals, which can be made up with a ready to cook Idli, Dosa and Medu Vada batter wherein the drudgery of pre-preparation time for cooking a nutritious rich and wholesome meal is reduced and a meal is not skipped

Masala Dosa
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